Thursday, May 20, 2010

Floyd Landis admits to doping, accuses Armstrong and top US cyclists...

 After maintaining his innocence for four years amid doping charges that ruined his reputation and caused him to be stripped of his 2006 Tour de France title, the American cyclist Floyd Landis has admitted using performance-enhancing drugs for most of his career, according to emails sent to several cycling officials.

In those emails from Landis, which were described Wednesday by two of the officials who received them, Landis wrote that he had used performance-enhancing drugs or methods since 2002, his first year racing with the now-defunct United States Postal Service team, once led by Lance Armstrong. The officials did not want his name published, citing ongoing investigations, including by federal authorities, into the content of the emails. More...

Don't miss:

  1. Andre Agassi admits to using dope...
  2. Why is Lance Armstrong coming back?
  3. Why we love the Tour de France bicycle race...
  4. Will the Tour de France be free of dope one day?
  5. Is it possible to win the Tour de France without dope?
  6. Usain Bolt: I'm the fastest and I'm the cleanest...

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