Thursday, April 01, 2010

France picks new words to replace English...

France has begun another attempt to prevent the invasion of English words in its language by creating new words to replace common Anglicisms.

A government agency announced the results of a competition among schoolchildren and students to identify French-sounding terms for 21st-century phenomena.

A report in The Independent said the task was to come up with French replacements for "chat", "talk" and “newsletter” as well as terms for "tuning" – where young motorists ‘pimp up’ their cars and "buzz" to describe an internet craze. More...

Don't miss:

  1. Francomot, a contest in France to dump English words...
  2. Linguists unite against English invasion in Switzerland...
  3. The French are all weird, aren't they? 
  4. How France spreads French culture...
  5. How the French promote anti-AIDS sex!!!
  6. India: punished for not speaking in English!!!

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