Friday, January 15, 2010

Taiwanese family lived with decomposing bodies...

Four members of a Taiwanese family lived for several days with the decomposing bodies of three of their loved ones at their home in Spain, local authorities said on Friday.

Emergency services found the bodies, that of a father and two children, on Wednesday at the house in the Madrid suburb of San Martin de Valdeiglesias.

The mother and three children of the family, which had lived at the house since 2006, were found alive but in poor health and in squalid conditions. More...

Don't miss:

  1. Man in Vietnam slept beside dead wife for 5 years!!!
  2. 4 people in India caught eating half-cremated corpse...
  3. Woman kept dead mother's body for six years...
  4. Italy: carry on sun-bathing, with two corpses lying nearby?
  5. Cannibals in Russia eat victim and sell remaining body parts to kebab shop!!!

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