Thursday, December 10, 2009

Don't be taken hostage by "climate change" and its bogus "moral standard..."

There is no doubt that every human on earth bears the responsibility of protecting our mother planet. However, the efforts of trying to mitigate global warming would go sour if they were used as a pretext for containing the economic and social development of developing countries.


 Currently, emissions cuts apparently have become mankind's new "moral standard." Anyone who is slow in reducing emissions would be hastily accused of damaging people's livings and development, and regarded as the common enemy of mankind.


 It is unfair that developed countries consume much luxurious energy, and meanwhile developing countries are forbidden from consuming enough energy to develop their economy and improve people's living standard. Full story...

Don't miss:

  1. Climate change: rich countries out to screw poorer nations!
  2. Copenhagen summit: 1,200 limos, 140 private planes...
  3. Al Gore: do as I say, not as I do...
  4. Tribal peoples being devastated by global warming hysteria...
  5. India scoffs at global warming...
  6. Global warming, the white man's problem...
  7. Global warming and the threat to freedom (must read)

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