Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Obama administration launches deceptive swine flu propaganda blitz...

President Obama and his top health officials are engaging in a major public relations effort to divert attention away from whether its swine flu vaccine is effective and safe – to whether there is enough of it to go around. And the media, as always, is cooperating fully. This echoes the way media debate was manipulated during the Vietnam and Iraq Wars. Instead of debating whether we should even be fighting those wars, the media debated only whether we were using the correct military strategy.


For example, Dr. Anthony Morris, a distinguished virologist and former Chief Vaccine Office at the U.S. Federal Drug Administration (FDA), states that “There is no evidence that any influenza vaccine thus far developed is effective in preventing or mitigating any attack of influenza” and that “The producers of these vaccines know they are worthless, but they go on selling them anyway.”


We hear the assumption being made by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) that the number of deaths from the H1N1 virus is at pandemic levels and now a “national emergency.” One would assume that with all of its resources, the New York Times’ October 26 front page story on the CDC’s statistics would be accurate: 20,000 hospitalizations and 1,000 deaths due to the swine flu. However, this is all fiction. And it is a fiction solely based upon the CDC’s own contradictory statements and actions. Full story...

Don't miss:

  1. German dies after swine flu jab...
  2. Dr. Russell Blaylock and the swine flu vaccine scam...
  3. Three babies die in Holland after vaccine jab...
  4. Five deaths and side-effects after swine flu jab in Sweden...
  5. Woman disabled for life after a flu jab...
  6. Doctors warn against swine flu vaccines...
  7. Vaccines are causing illness, disease and death...
  8. Swine flu vaccine? Not for us, say its creators...

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