Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What's the big deal about the Nobel Peace prize anyway?

We pay far too much attention to the views of five obscure Norwegians.

Why did they give it to him? Does he deserve it? Should he have accepted it? Who should have gotten it instead? What would he say? The nation is speaking of nothing but President Barack Obama's Nobel Peace Prize. Here is a better question for us to ask ourselves: Why should we care?

Think about it: The Nobel Committee consists of five Norwegians, selected by the Norwegian parliament. In his will, Alfred Nobel, the Swedish dynamite tycoon who thought up this whole thing, specifically wanted Norwegians to choose the winner, apparently because Norwegians, being outside the European mainstream, would be less likely to be politically corrupt. More...

Don't miss:

  1. Nobel shock and awe as Obama gets the Peace Prize...
  2. Obama choice makes a mockery of the Nobel peace prize...
  3. U.S. professor becomes first Jew to win 'Arab Nobel Prize'
  4. Nobel prize winner weary of the flood of e-mails from India and the fantasies about his childhood!!!

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