Monday, October 12, 2009

Swedish "organ theft" journalist gets death threats, vows to follow up story...

Six weeks after he caused a political storm over his article on alleged Israeli organ thefts, the Swedish journalist behind the controversy says he will not quit the story despite receiving hundreds of death threats.

Donald Bostrom told Press TV on Monday that he did not believe there was any real intention behind the threats, which he has been receiving via email.

While he said he could not guess who was behind the anonymous threats, he acknowledged that the piece had received a large amount of bad publicity over accusations of anti-Semitism, which he overruled.

"My article asks very simple question: what happened to this young man in Palestine?" More...

Don't miss:

  1. Swedish paper cleared of anti-semitism...
  2. Palestinian minister accuses Israel of organ theft...
  3. The missing link in Palestinian organ theft?
  4. Israel sues Swedish paper over 'organ theft' article...
  5. Swedish daily publishes second article on "organ harvesting" in Israel...

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