Saturday, September 19, 2009

Switzerland and the slow food revolution...

The Slow Food movement has moved into high gear recently with a spate of books and films raising awareness of the dangers of a fast food diet for humans and the planet.

However, the Swiss - as recent studies show - may need less convincing of the benefits of a wholesome meal than the people, for instance, in France or the United States.

Over the past few years, books including Fast Food Nation and The Omnivore's Dilemma exposing the devastating impact of the industrial food system on the environment, farm animals and society have been bestsellers, spawning films such as the documentaries, Super Size Me and Food, Inc. More...

Don't miss:

  1. Many Swiss organic products not that organic...
  2. Don't waste your money on organic food...
  3. Medical college in India serves "caste" food!!!
  4. If you control the food, you control the people...
  5. Don't become a victim of the "healthy" food nazis...
  6. A "fast food" competition in China...

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