Saturday, September 12, 2009

The obese woman, her diet plan and the bride-to-be that died...

Perhaps Jackie Cox deliberately ignored the standard advice for larger ladies when she chose her fancy-dress outfit for her company's annual sales jamboree.

How else to explain the vast, multi-coloured Harlequin costume with cascading ruffles clinging to a figure which, if being kind, you would call portly, and, less generously, grossly overweight?

Ms Cox seems to be revelling in all her roly-poly flamboyance, despite the fact that as an advert for the dieting company she co-founded 13 years ago, it seems a rather own goal. More... 

Don't miss:

  1. Rumania's Miss Platnum and Give me the food!!!
  2. Obese 5-year-old girl in India eating herself to death...
  3. Don't become a victim of the "healthy" food nazis...
  4. Almost 200kg taken off world's fattest teenager!!!
  5. Sweeteners help you to GAIN, not lose, weight...
  6. Don't believe all the hype about "healthy" foods...

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