Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Hong Kong sex change employee not happy about being offered "genderless" toilet...

A bank worker assigned a “genderless toilet” by his employer HSBC after he started dressing as a woman in the first stage of a sex change has logged a complaint against the banking giant, a news report said Thursday.

The 55-year-old senior IT manager claims he has been not been able to use either the men’s or ladies’ staff toilets since he officially switched genders at the beginning of August.

Instead, he claims his employer has assigned him a “genderless toilet” in an act of discrimination against him.

The worker, surnamed Wong, is currently taking female hormone tablets and is set to have the sex change operation in November, the report in the Hong Kong Standard said. More...

Don't miss:

  1. India: they are building toilets for transgenders in Chennai...
  2. Thai school introduces toilets for transvestite students...
  3. New twist in Caster Semenya gender controversy...
  4. Cricketing eunuchs in Pakistan win match against men!!!
  5. Transgender/Eunuch festival in India...
  6. Transvestite beauty contest in Thailand! And the winner is...

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