Sunday, August 23, 2009

Afghanistan; we're just wasting brave lives on a country we'll never free...

It is certain that British troops will quit Afghanistan in the next few years, leaving that country, as it is now, corrupt, repressive and ruled either by warlords or mullahs. 

When that day comes, what will politicians of both major parties say to the families of those soldiers who die between now and then? Or to the many who will be horribly injured in the same period?

How will they dare to live in the same country, to walk to work, to enjoy the simple pleasures of life, to greet their families, watch their children grow, knowing all the time that they have, through cowardly negligence, ensured that scores of others will never do these things again?More...

Don't miss:

  1. Afghanistan: 'It's a war we just can't win...
  2. "Our boys in Afghanistan sacrifice their lives for an evil regime ..."
  3. Bagram in Afghanistan, worse than Guantanamo?
  4. In Afghanistan, a man can starve his wife if she refuses to have sex with him. 

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