Monday, June 08, 2009

D-Day and the Normandy landings: what the history books don't tell you...

A revisionist theme seems to have settled on this year's 65th anniversary commemoration of the Normandy landings. 

The tone was set in Antony's Beevor's new book, D-Day, which tries to debunk certain received ideas about the Allied campaign. 

Far from being an unmitigated success, Mr Beevor found, the landings came very close to going horribly wrong. 

And far from being universally welcomed as liberators, many troops had a distinctly surly reception from the people of Normandy. More...

See also:

  1. Howard Zinn: what the classroom did not teach me about the American Empire...
  2. Okay, "only" 18000 people were killed in Dresden, but isn't that bad enough?
  3. On Aug. the 6th. 1945, the U.S. dropped a bomb on Hiroshima...
  4. Olympic Torch: why so much fuss about a Nazi symbol?

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