Sunday, May 03, 2009

Swine flu sounds like a phoney war...

Oh! God, now I know it is serious. The Health Protection Agency has sent me an algorithm to tell me how to deal with swine flu. It arrived today in an email with one of those red exclamation marks at the side. An algorithm, for those who don't know, is a "finite sequence of instructions, an explicit, step-by-step procedure for solving a problem". It is very complicated. I do not understand it. Fortunately the primary care trust has also sent me a red exclamation mark email with instructions I can understand: "The main message remains: always use a tissue to catch coughs and sneezes, throw away used tissues and regularly wash your hands." More...

See also:

  1. Do not take a swine flu vaccine...
  2. Swine flu virus is man-made...
  3. Swine flu: creating fear, panic and more State control and spending...
  4. Swine flu vaccination propaganda ... in 1976!!!!

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