Friday, May 22, 2009

San Antonio mayor quits job for gay illegal immigrant he loves...

It was, simply put, the most stunning abdication since King Edward VIII in 1936 gave up the British throne for Wallis Simpson, the twice-divorced American socialite.

Only two weeks after being elected to serve his fourth term, Mayor J.W. Lown of San Angelo submitted his resignation letter Tuesday from an undisclosed location in Mexico.

No, being mayor of San Angelo is not exactly the same as being the King of the United Kingdom and Emperor of India, but the reason for Lown’s abdication is the same as Edward’s.


What made it stunning wasn’t the status of Lown’s office, which pays $600 a year, but the status of his lover. More...

See also:

  1. Singapore holds first gay rally...
  2. An Indian boy announces to his parents that he is gay!!!
  3. Naked yoga anyone?
  4. India's first gay pride parade...

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