Sunday, April 19, 2009

Slumdog "Oscar child" Rubina Ali up for sale!!! WTF!

THE poverty-stricken father of Slumdog Millionaire child star Rubina Ali plans to become a millionaire himself-by SELLING his nine-year-old daughter. 

In a bid to escape India's real-life slums, Rafiq Qureshi put angel-faced darling of the Oscars Rubina up for adoption, demanding millions of rupees worth £200,000.


That was an astonishing FOURFOLD increase on his opening demand. But Rafiq's equally demanding brother Mohiuddin insisted: "The child is special now. This is NOT an ordinary child. This is an Oscar child!" Full story...

See also:

  1. Slumdog kids return home to heroes' welcome...
  2. Slumdog child actors miss out on millions and carry on living ... in the slums.
  3. In India it's great to be born a boy! As a girl?
  4. India: a son is a blessing, a daughter a burden...
  5. Genocide: India's missing daughters...

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