Sunday, February 01, 2009

European workers are discovering what it means to be part of the European Union...

The peoples of Europe have finally discovered what they signed up to. I do mean "peoples" (plural) because however much political elites may deceive themselves, the populations of the member states of the EU are culturally, historically and economically separate and distinct. And a significant proportion of them are getting very, very angry. 

What the strikers at the Lindsey oil refinery (and their brother supporters in Nottinghamshire and Kent) have discovered is the real meaning of the fine print in those treaties, and the significance of those European court judgments whose interpretation they left to EU obsessives: it is now illegal – illegal – for the government of an EU country to put the needs and concerns of its own population first. It would, for example, be against European law to do what Frank Field has sensibly suggested and reintroduce a system of "work permits" for EU nationals who wished to apply for jobs here. More...

See also:

  1. No roquefort in U.S? Let them eat junk, French say!!!
  2. EU spends £2.3bn a year on Pro-Brussels propaganda...
  3. 100,000 Chinese migrated to the European Union in 2006...
  4. Ireland: know your place, you ungrateful wretch!
  5. Secret plot to let in 50 million African workers into Europe???
  6. Italian cities to ban ethnic foods??? WTF!

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