Saturday, February 28, 2009

A Chinese and an Indian restaurant at war ... over who gets to sell rice!!!

Chinese food has been served with rice for centuries. So has Indian food. It only feels as though the rice war between two adjacent restaurants in the Providence Place mall's food court has gone on that long.

Cathay Cathay and Gourmet India are fighting over the right to serve the staple of each native cuisine. Start with one businessman's willingness to pay dearly to avoid competition, mix in the other's insistence on preserving his own culinary tradition, and add a decision by the Rhode Island Supreme Court to keep the pot boiling for almost four years with hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees. More...

See also:

  1. Curry-crazy woman wants dish so spicy hot it will be a deafening experience!!!
  2. Is Chinese food the answer to obesity?
  3. China's penis restaurant!!
  4. Grandma tries Indian food! Onion hilarity!!

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