Monday, February 16, 2009

Anti-Nazi campaign threatens Kate Winslet’s Oscar hopes...

Kate Winslet's chances of emerging victorious at the Oscars next Sunday are in jeopardy due to an orchestrated campaign against The Reader, the post-war drama for which she has been nominated as best actress, in the run-up to tomorrow’s deadline for the Academy’s final votes.

According to the Sunday Telegraph, emails detailing the movie's alleged ambivalence to the Nazi regime - it has been said that Winslet's character, Hanna Schmitz, an illiterate concentration camp guard who shows no remorse for her crimes, is treated too sympathetically - have been sent to selected Jewish members of the 5,800 voting panel by publicists batting for rival films. More...

See also:

  1. Switzerland: the racist, nazi attack that wasn't...
  2. Controversial bishop, Richard Williamson, refuses to recant Holocaust denial...
  3. A look at the swastika...
  4. Olympic Torch: why so much fuss about a Nazi symbol?
  5. Holocaust novel exposed as fraud...

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