Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Sex offender insanity...

I’ve written several times in the past about the manner in which America’s sex offender registry laws have led to insane, some might even say unjust, outcomes. There was the six-year old boy in Virginia who will go through the rest of his school career tagged as a sexual offender. The 15 year old Ohio teenager who was charged with distribution of child pornography for sending a nude picture of herself to her friends. Last week, I wrote about a 24 year old woman in Georgia who could lose her house because she was declared a sex offender for having oral sex with her boyfriend when she was a teenager. And, then, of course, there’s the case of Genarlow Wilson, who spent was sentenced to 10 years in prison for having oral sex with his girlfriend.

Well, the insanity continues. More...

See also:

  1. Man jailed for having sex ... with a horse!!! WTF!
  2. The Vatican and sex crimes...
  3. Police officer accused of sexually assaulting girls and ... cows!!!
  4. Iran: 9 "sex" offenders to be stoned to death...
  5. At what age can a girl have sex?
  6. Singaporean gets 14 years in prison for sniffing armpits...

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