Friday, December 05, 2008

Belgian blogger sacked for criticizing defence minister!!!

Nathalie Lubbe Bakker was fired from her job after government officials rang the bar owner to complain about the claims relating to Pieter De Crem. 

Miss Lubbe Bakker, also a Belgian, said she was shocked when she recognised the defence minister among a rowdy party of her countrymen who "stumbled" into the B-Café. 

Writing on her "Living in New York" blog the next day, Miss Lubbe Bakker claimed the minister's sang "bawdy" songs and made persistent demands to take over the serving of drinks behind the bar.

She said the incident had left her "deeply, deeply, deeply shamed" to be Belgian. More...

See also:

  1. Is Belgium, Belgium? Or is it Flanders and Wallonia?
  2. Rupert Murdoch warns the media about complacency and arrogance; defends bloggers...
  3. Moroccan blogger jailed for criticizing the king...
  4. Blogging can get you into a lot of trouble...

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