Sunday, November 23, 2008

You go to Lourdes hoping for a miracle and come back with a ... disease???

MILLIONS of pilgrims flock to Lourdes each year seeking healing from waters that flow from the grotto where they believe visions of the Virgin Mary appeared. But this year the French town is being blamed for making visitors sick. 

An outbreak of norovirus infection — known as the winter vomiting bug — has hit tourists from several countries, including Ireland. Between mid-September and mid-October, nine clusters of the infection involving about 90 primary and more than 100 secondary cases were identified in the Netherlands, Ireland, Italy and France, all linked to Lourdes pilgrimages. 

Norovirus causes acute gastroenteritis. The impact of the disease is more serious among the elderly and infirm, who make up a large proportion of those who travel to Lourdes. More...

See also:

  1. Whitman: Miracles...
  2. WTF! "Miracles" help regain sight, not lose them!!!
  3. Philip Larkin's Church Going

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