Saturday, October 18, 2008

Britain: Metric Martyrs give the State the finger...

After eight years, shopkeepers across Britain are to be allowed to sell fruit and vegetables in pounds and ounces free from fear of prosecution.

In a victory for the Daily Mail, council busybodies will be ordered to use 'common sense' when dealing with traders who sell produce using only imperial measures.

The move will bring to an end the hounding of small businesses which refuse to bow to EU laws and switch to metric grams and kilos that many of their customers find hard to understand.

A string of traders - dubbed the 'Metric Martyrs' - have been hauled before the courts and found guilty of defying the unpopular weights and measure directive. More...

See also:

  1. Zimbabwe: the education system breaks down...
  2. India: Police ordered to book people who poop in public...
  3. Can we/Should we depend on the State?
  4. When the State starts to snoop into your rubbish...
  5. You're the Voice ... John Farnham

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