Monday, October 06, 2008

Americans are getting angry: so am I...

Ward Cleaver turns to his wife and says, “Gosh, June, how are we goin’ to explain to Wally and the Beave that I just got laid off from my job of 25 years, our 401(k) tanked in the ’08 market crash, and we can’t get loans to send them to community college, much less Harvard, Yale or Princeton?”

To which June turns off the Hoover, knocks back a gin shot and replies, “Betcha didn’t see that coming.”

Despite Sarah Palin’s Rockwellian performance at the first and only vice presidential debate, there aren’t a lot of warm and fuzzy Americans full of folksy charm right now. Left out of the debate was news that Palin’s reliable drinking buddy, Joe Six-Pack, is actually Two-Beer Joe. Wink! Wink!

Even in the heartland, where people tend to mince and measure words and avoid speaking ill of people in public, there is anger bordering on rage. People here went from “darn it” to “damn it” months ago. Palin seems to think we got to this place overnight, and John McCain kinda sorta stumbled upon it.

People were angry over Hank Paulson’s original $700 billion ransom note to save Wall Street but angrier still that even with a rescue plan for the fat cats, most people still cannot afford to buy cars or other durable goods, which indicates we are headed toward recession. More...

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