Eagerly they came - the young, the ambitious, the smartest of the smart. They queued impatiently and crowded into the rafters above Charlie's Cafe at the 'Googleplex', the curving glass and steel cathedral of the internet age. Finally, laptops snapped shut and the room hushed. It was time for Barack Obama to preach to the converted. 'There is something improbable about this gathering,' said the presidential hopeful, gazing around a sea of T-shirts at Google's Californian headquarters. 'What we share is a belief in changing the world from the bottom up.'
It was last November and Obama was asked whether he lacked political experience. He compared himself with the founders of Google, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, who a decade ago were university students with a big dream. 'I suppose Sergey and Larry did not have a lot of experience starting a Fortune 100 company,' he said.
The rock star of American politics resonates at Google. Nicole Resz, a 26-year-old employee, said: 'He's fresh, he's new. There's something about him that's Google-like.' He was also the seventh presidential candidate to visit the company, following John McCain and Hillary Clinton, each seemingly determined to prove they had achieved that summit of modern aspiration - to be 'Google-like'. More...
See also:
- Erik Weiner and I Google myself!!! Hilarious!
- YouTube: how it all began and its phenomenal success...
- Beware! Google SMS is watching you!!! Hilarious!
- Google launches Knol as rival to Wikipedia...
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