Sunday, July 13, 2008

Should we live for pleasure? We certainly should!!

We talked with University of Oxford neuroscientist Morten Kringelbach, author of the upcoming book The Pleasure Center, about his revolutionary research and our constant craving to feel good. 

Can pleasure be used as medicine? 
We can implant electrodes in the brain of a person in pain. When we stimulate the right spots, almost magically the pain goes away. The relief is very pleasurable. This can help people with depression too. 

Can I get an electrode just for fun? 
It wouldn't work. The brain balances itself, and while you can help restore that balance temporarily, you can't permanently swing it one way or the other. That's why many people, even those who aren't getting any treatment, will probably come out of depression within a year. 

What do people find most pleasurable in their daily lives? 

Sex. But No. 2 is being with friends. Most everything we find pleasurable, including eating and drinking, is so much better when doing it with someone else. More...

See also: Bobby Mcferrin - Don't Worry, Be Happy...

And this: The Meaning of Happiness...

And this: Are Icelanders the happiest people on earth?

And this: A Map of Global Happiness and Well-Being?

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