Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Japanese browser Sleipnir challenges Internet Explorer and Firefox...

A Japanese software company is stepping up international promotion of its Web browser in the hope of carving out a 5% share over the next few years of a market dominated by Internet Explorer and Firefox.

The Sleipnir browser is well-known among Japanese technophiles, many of whom value the high level of customization that the browser allows. At the center of this customization is the ability to select either the Trident or Gecko layout engines for each Web site visited. Trident was developed by Microsoft Corp. and is used in Internet Explorer while Gecko is used in Mozilla's Firefox.

As any user who has changed Web browsers knows, some sites look different or offer different functionality depending on the browser in use. By clicking a small button in the bottom left of the browser and switching between Trident and Gecko, users can choose the best one for the particular site.  More...

See also: Firefox makes big gains in Europe and Oceania...

And this: Browser War: Firefox3 and Safari against IE...

And this: Bye! Bye! Netscape! We'll miss you...

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