Wednesday, July 30, 2008

90-year-old grandma gives corporate giants the finger!!!

 For decades, Isabelle Champagne was a thorn in the side of the owners of Yoken's restaurant. She single-handedly put a halt to a massive supermarket on the other side of her fence blocking the view of Route 1. And, at the age of 90, she's prepared to keep fighting.

When she was a child, the land that was on the market last fall for $7 million was considered the "boonies," according to Champagne. Her family owned dozens of acres of farm land dating back to the early 19th century.

Over the years, it's dwindled down to the tiny less-than-an-acre parcel and the quaint home at 721 Peverly Hill Road, built by her late husband of 58 years, Andrew. Though her mother sold the Yoken's land for a measly $10,000, Champagne has resisted corporate attempts to buy the last bit of land she has. She's also resisted the generous offers that have included money, land elsewhere or space in an upscale Cape Cod retirement home.

This is her land, the land she grew up on and raised her family on. No matter how much the area surrounding her changes, it is still her home.

"I've lived here all my life," said Champagne, who still drives, shops, walks and uses her deer hunting license. "I don't want to go any place else." More...

See also: 78-year-old grandmother chases and catches thief! Bravo, grandma!

And this: This grandma is one helluva rocker!!!

And this: 94-year-old grandma being abused by a fat bitch...

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