Monday, June 16, 2008

Real people 1, Eurocrats 0 (after extra time)

night the key figures in the Libertas group, which had led the successful campaign in the republic for a no vote on the European Union’s Lisbon constitutional treaty, gathered in the bar of the Burlington hotel in the centre of Dublin. The atmosphere was surprisingly sober.

Declan Ganley, the 39-year-old London-born entrepreneur, had just played a key role in one of the most crushing defeats that the Irish and European political establishments had ever suffered. His organisation, a think tank containing no elected politicians, had come from nowhere to achieve a result that has sent shockwaves throughout the EU.

Irish politicians, pundits and businessmen had been almost as one in urging the country’s people to support the treaty that would drive forward the federalist aims of the union.

Yet, against all predictions, the voters had refused, returning a no verdict by the margin of 53.4% to 46.6%.  More...

See also: Ireland says "NO" to EU reform treaty

And this: Ireland: know your place, you ungrateful wretch!

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