THE nation’s most famous landlord today urged Liverpool publicans to show their support for Beatles Day.
Pub landlords from around Merseyside will be backing the inaugural Beatles Day by selling the mop top wigs and organising events including pub quizzes, Beatles nights and Beatles karaoke.
The full list of pubs taking part and selling the wigs will be announced mid-June.
Comedian Al Murray – aka The Pub Landlord – said: “It’s a pleasure to be the first pub landlord to wear a mop top.”
Pubs who have already pledged support for the campaign include The Cavern, The White Star and The Grapes in Mathew Street.
Jack Speariett, from the White Star, said: It’s great way to show your support and help raise money for the kids. We’ll be more than happy to wear the wigs while pulling a pint and I’m sure our regulars will get involved.” More...
See also: Join the Beatles on a Magical Memory Tour...
And this: The Beatles: The Ballad of John and Yoko...
And this: The Beatles sing about a girl...
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