Feneck Mgawa, a 39-year-old mechanic from Malawi, came to South Africa 18 months ago. He owned a box of tools and got work right away, living modestly in a hovel in a squatter camp and sending cash home each month to his wife and two children.
He was exactly the kind of foreigner the hateful mob wanted to kill.
Last weekend, the marauders came to his shack and looked him over. Just to be sure they were not misdirecting their rage, they asked, "Are you a foreigner?" He spoke enough Zulu to lie, but what was the use? His accent would have given him away. He escaped with his life only after being beaten with sticks and pelted with rocks, he said.
Mgawa is now one of 6,000 immigrants displaced in recent days by xenophobic violence in Reiger Park, just east of Johannesburg. Like many of the others, he is afraid to return to his shack or go to his job. He sleeps on the floor of a church and eats sandwiches and porridge donated by South Africans who are appalled at the murderous behavior of their countrymen. More...
See also: Racist violence escalates in South Africa...
And this: The Coltan War
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