A 44-year-old man in western Sweden has been taken in hand by the local judiciary for masturbating in front of a female church minister.
The minister from Borås told the court that she had agreed to a meeting in her office after the man had insisted he needed to speak to her, Expressen reports.
But right from the outset she felt that all was not well and soon she noticed that her visitor was sporting an erection.
"He took one of his hands and rubbed it against the bulge," she told the court according to Expressen.
Despite the minister's pleas for him to cease, the visitor continued unabashed and it took some time before he eventually beat a reluctant retreat.
"While he was stroking he asked what services I could offer," the minister told the court.
After the incident the minister began receiving anonymous phone calls which she believed came from the same man.
The 44-year-old denied committing an offence and said he was just trying to show the minister a wound on his leg.
Source: The Local
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