So, I'm standing by a train station in a very small town in Japan, minding my own business waiting for the train, as you do. A couple of girls walk into the station, then walk out again, and then sloooowly make their way towards me and then...
the short one stands right close to me, picks up my hand and starts to stroke it! No word of a lie. I gently move away and she just follows me, and then I ask "ちょっと、何しているか” (excuse me, but what the hell are you doing?), to which she replied "すごい なあ!” (so cool!). She continued to stroke my hand for a while, as I tried to figure out what was going on.
The two girls turned out to be high school students of one of my JET friends, who were very curious about black people and I assume, wanted to know what their skin felt like. We talked for a while until the train came, and then we parted.
Strangely enough, this wasn't the first time a Japanese lady felt the urge to stroke my skin. More...
See also: Japan: Oshiya or train pusher: this is crazy!
And this: Meet Hatch-chan, Japan's blogging cat...
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