Wednesday, May 25, 2011

'Whip them if they take the wheel': Saudi men launch Facebook campaign against women drivers...

A Facebook campaign has been launched urging Saudi men to whip women who drive with their cord from their headdress.

The online page urges men to attack women in response to a burgeoning protest movement against the law banning them from driving in the ultra-conservative nation.

They were angered after Saudi woman Manal al-Sharif was jailed for defying the ban and are claiming they need to drive to ensure their own safety if their chaperone was to fall ill.

The page, titled 'The Iqal Campaign: June 17 for preventing women from driving,' refers to the Arabic name for the cord used to hold on the traditional headdress worn by many men in the Gulf, advocating the cord be used to hit women who dare to drive. More...

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