Monday, September 21, 2009

Boy used Bible page to smoke joint!!!

A boy from Ohio has been arrested for smoking marijuana rolled into a page torn from the Bible. Apparently, his mother alerted the cops after seeing him smoke the joint. Now, I don’t know which will be considered the bigger offense, smoking the joint or doing so with a page torn from the Bible. Let’s hope he’ll be charged only with the drug offense and not prosecuted for desecrating a religious document!

And I have to wonder as to why the mother would denounce her own son to the police. Perhaps she could have talked things over with him?

Read the full story here...

Don't miss:

  1. Decriminalize marijuana...
  2. A brief history of weed, marijuana...
  3. Obama, you're no stranger to bong...
  4. Put a bible over your penis, says Pope!!! (Satire)
  5. Creation, the Charles Darwin film, 'too controversial for religious America...'

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