Monday, June 08, 2009

Elisabeth Fritzl discovers that love is the best therapy! Cool...

Austrian incest victim Elisabeth Fritzl has stopped her psychiatric therapy – with the approval of her doctors – because her love affair with her bodyguard has proved to be the best medicine of all.

Elisabeth, 43, fell for Thomas W., 14 years her junior, when he was assigned to guard her and the six children she bore by her rapist father shortly after she was freed from a secret dungeon where she was imprisoned for 24 years.

Now her doctors say their relationship has worked miracles on her shattered psyche. More...

See also:

  1. Elisabeth Fritzl finds love...
  2. It's hard to believe that Josef Fritzl raped his daughter for 24 years and had 7 children in a cellar , and no one knew about it...
  3. Josef Fritzl sentenced to die in prison...
  4. Josef Fritzl: I bricked up my mother in a sealed room...
  5. Josef Fritzl returns to his infamous cellar...

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